5th bi-annual international student conference on
Spiritual Care and Health Professions:
Context and Practice
A unique opportunity to meet international colleagues and friends and learn and discuss about your professional role regarding spirituality and spiritual care.
November 3 and 4, 2011 Moses & Aaron Church, Amsterdam
The conference is hosted by the Departments of Health Care of
Reformed University of Applied Sciences, Zwolle
Christian University of Applied Sciences, Ede
InHolland University, Amsterdam
The objectives of the conference are to explore:
- The opportunities of spiritual care in clinical practice
- The social context of spiritual care
- The role of spirituality in illness and care
- The role of the professional in spiritual care
- Personal aspects of spiritual care
The conference include the following speakers:
Prof. Kees Waaijman, Professor in spirituality, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
Spirituality in healthcare; conceptualization
Dr. Ton Bernts (NL), Director KASKI Expertise Institute for Religion and Society, Netherlands
Spirituality in today’s secular society
Prof. Wilfred Schnepp, Nursing professor, University Witten/Herdecke, Germany
The relevance of spirituality in healthcare: a perspective of nursing science
Prof. Peter Draper, Head of Department of Health Professionals, University of Hull, England
Spiritual care in health care: state of the art
Dr. Linda Ross, Senior lecturer University of Glamorgan, Wales
Healthcare student’s perceptions of spirituality and spiritual care
Dr. Martin Walton, Lecturer Spiritual Care, Protestant Theological University, Netherlands
The essence of spiritual care in health care
Dr. Carlo Leget, Associate Professor, Faculty Humanities, Tilburg University, Netherlands
Development of a guideline form spiritual care in the palliative care in the Netherlands
Dr. Bart Cusveller, Professor in Nursing ethics, Ede Christian University, Netherlands
Ethics of spiritual care
Dr. René van Leeuwen, Professor in Healthcare and Spirituality, Reformed University, Netherlands
The nurses role in spiritual care: development of competencies
Workshops will take place focusing on the clinical and practical aspects of spiritual care. You are invited to send in an abstract (see call for abstracts).
International health care students (nursing, midwifery, medical e.g.) are especially invited for this conference. We also welcome health care practitioners and scholars.
Do you need more information: send an email to
Call for abstracts
5th international student conference on
Spiritual Care and Health Professions:
Context and Practice
November 3 and 4, 2011 – Moses & Aaron Church, Amsterdam
The workshop/presentation should focus on clinical and practical aspects of spiritual care in the health professions. A workshop/presentation will take 1 hour.
Invited are: health care professionals/practitioners, educator, researcher. Students are especially invited to send in an abstract.